Friday, November 11, 2011

its been a while!

Its been a while since I last blogged, but nothing has really been going on until about a week ago. I was hospitalized for 5 days at Southern Tennessee Medical Center, for what they thought was Colitis. They had no clue what was wrong with me. It went from being Colitis, to a bladder infection, to the bladder infection spreading to my bloodstream. From there, it went to a kidney infection. Last but not least, the doctor told me I had an infection, but he wasn't sure where. He thought it was somewhere between my kidneys and bladder! He also informed me that I was a diabetic, and gonna have to start taking insulin shots, yet he never even tested me for Diabetes. YES....HE WAS A QUACK!!!!!!

He also told me that he had been following Vanderbilt's instructions, and that they told him that I was fine, and should be able to go home when I finished my antibiotics. Come to find out the doctor had never even spoken to Vanderbilt, in which they had no clue I was even there until I called them when I was discharged! They were very angry with this Dr., and the hospital for leaving me there with my enzymes THROUGH THE ROOF! not to  mention my Bilirubin was 7.3!....

The morning I was discharged, the Dr. informed me that I would at least be there 3 more days to finish up the IV antibiotics. Needless to say, he sent me home that very day, because I had requested a new Dr., and instead of him getting me a new doctor, "I think it would be best if you just went home." were his exact words....hahaha FINE WITH ME.!!!!!

almost finished, I promise!

I had an appointment with Dr. Perri Tuesday. He told me that I'm getting pretty close to transplant time. I picked up a habit of smoking. Which they found out and took me off the list....I have been 3 1/2 weeks smoke free.....I'm very proud of my self. I was more of a social smoker than to just sitting around all day smoking....just when people were around mainly.

Any ways they took me off the list until I can pass 3 nicotine tests. I passed one Tuesday, so just 2 more to go. I also have to start making it on the days that I have blood work to be done, its more of a transportation issue. we have one vehicle as of right now, because Allen sold his truck for the money to go to school. so I don't get to go when I need to... oh yeah, I'm on the patch, it shows up nicotine in my system but they can tell the difference in the patch and an actual cigarette, because cigarettes have all the other chemicals in it, and the patch just has the nicotine. but I haven't had a patch on in 2 or 3 days. so I'm doing EXCELLENT!!!

Doctor Perri had me stick around for another 5 hours Tuesday at my  appointment to have an ultrasound and another Parencentesis done. They took out 60 MLs of fluid, for diagnosis. but i started running a fever before I had it done, and started swelling even more. so after all was said and done, I went home. No sooner than I get home I spike a fever of 103, and in so much pain I couldn't even raise my head, walk, talk, NOTHING. So my wonderful hubby took me to the hospital and they sent me straight to Vanderbilt, where they admitted me for Peritonitis. Almost all my fluid is gone. Still have a bunch but 75 % of it is gone.

One other great thing I get to tell you.... I finally got some pain management at home. Well, its at Vandy but I finally got something. Doctor Perri has finally referred me to the Pain Management Clinic at Vandy. Cause I am wearing the ER's at home and surrounding counties out 2-3 times a week for abdominal pain. Which is not fair to them, me, or any other patient that actually has a serious problem and I'm in there slowing them down because I have abdominal pain. BUT NOT ANY MORE!

Now we are finally caught up.... Oh yeah, I get to go home tomorrow!

love ya,