Friday, March 25, 2011

i have a boo-boo

so as i was goofing off today, i think i may have possible broken or fractured the bone in between the knuckle in my thumb and my wrist.

I was playing with Corbin. as we were both swinging our arms around like some loon-a-ticks (not sure how to spell that.?) :)  .....
i hit the kitchen table just in the right spot. HARD! yeah, she looks pretty nasty, all swollen and bruised and throbbing, not to mention its starting to get a little bit numb.

and i only cried like a baby for just a few seconds.


Thursday, March 17, 2011


Ashley, from Vanderbilt called Tuesday. (on my old phone) and I didn't get the voicemail until today.

But, she said that the labs were still the same, and NOT to make any medication changes....bummer :(
I was so hoping to lower my Prednisone. On a good note, March 29th I have to go Vanderbilt. Two weeks vacation from hospitals, doctors, nurses, needles.... sounds pretty good to me.

love ya.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


No calls from Vandy today. I guess iIwill be making a phone call to my doctor in Manchester to see if they faxed the results in.

try it all again tomorrow!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

results are in!

 vanderbilt called me friday.  dr. perri reviewed my CT scan, and everything still looks the same. small cirrhotic liver, gallbladder still has stones, spleen is still extremely enlarged pressing on a kidney.

the biopsy results from the colonoscopy came back negative for infections and inflamation. Which means no colitis.... WOOHOO!

i went friday for blood work, and still waiting on the results for that. when they come in, they should decrease my predisone (HOPEFULLY).

the abdominal ultrasound showed some ascites. by time i went down for the US i had already been given IV lasix and pee'd most of it off. the only place left to do the perencentesis was a small pocket of fluid 3 cm away from my bladder, so that didnt get done. in which im glad, because they dont feel that great.

so where is all the pain coming from? i wish we could figure it out. because it hurts so bad that i cant even pick up my son. it breaks my heart when he holds those little arms up, and i have to tell him no cause mommy tummy hurts. which he doesnt understand, and cries..... :(

well ill let ya know more about the blood work as soon as i know something. they should call me tomorrow

Monday, March 7, 2011

another week in vanderbilt

i have been having problems with my stomache hurting, ALL THE TIME.  after gaining 11 pounds of fluid in a matter of hours, and extreme abdominal pain, i ended up in vanderbilt for a week.  I went in tuesday night, and my doctor immediatly put me on lots of lasix, and IV antibiotics. turns out, i had an infection in the fluid pockets that had built up.

i also got to experience the joys of a COLONOSCOPY! let me just tell you right now, it was NOT FUN AT ALL! even though i hated having it done, im glad i did. im still waiting on the results of the biopsies that they took from it. I should know something this week, hopefully.

as of right now. thats all i know
