Friday, February 24, 2012

Corbins Surgery

So, Tuesday Corbin had his tonsils and adenoids out and had ear tubes put in. The day started off great, he didn't cry or complain at all about not being able to eat or drink anything. The night before, I Packed our bags to prepare for an over night stay at Vanderbilt, and laid our clothes out for the next morning. We got to sleep in until around 9-ish. I woke up got my self dressed, then woke Corbin and Allen up to get them dressed. At this point Corbin Could still have Clear liquid until 10 a.m. got our bags, blankie, and Mickey, and headed out the door.

Once in the car, we stopped at Kroger to get gas, and something to drink. (Only to try and hide it from Corbin!). I knew I would be the one to Stay up all night with Corbin that night, so Allen drove, while Corbin and I slept, Only to be wakened up by being rear ended at the only red light between the hospital and the Ronald McDonald House. Thankfully no one was hurt, or our vehicle for that matter. Good thing we left early that morning.

Once we got there, we signed him in, and he was off to the play area, to play with the other kids. He was playing with this little girl that was about 5 or so, that had no hair. While all the other parents and kids were talking under there breathe and pointing, Corbin treated her like she was a completely normal little girl. Like she wasn't sick at all, and at that moment, Allen and I felt so proud that Corbin saw absolutely nothing wrong with her at all, and didn't recognize her as "being sick." I told Corbin how proud I was of him, and what was wrong with her, the best I could for a 3 year old.

After being called back to the holding area, we got our surgery Jammie's on, and watched a movie. Once we got tired of watching Chuggington, we played on Mommy's tablet, played with daddy, Mickey, dinosaurs. Of course boredom really kicked in, until he saw the little boy in the bed next to him, riding in a red and yellow car, and really, really wanted to ride in it.

His nurse gave him a surgery cap with horses on it. Then it was time comes to say our good byes. He was a little nervous at first, but like I said, Mickey did everything with Corbin. They let Mickey go to surgery with Corbin, and took his tonsils out as well.

We got to walk him to the Operating Room, then after that, his nurse took us to "Sub Waiting".  Allen's parents met us up there and were able to see him before he had to go back. By this point Allen and I were so hungry we thought our stomachs were starting to eat our back bones. So Connie and Clarence stayed in the waiting room, while Al and me went to get something to eat at the cafeteria. Around an hour later Dr. Tylor came and talked with us. She let us know that every thing went really well, and his tonsils were really huge, and he would be in the recovery room for about an hour, then go to a room.

When we finally got to go back and see him, he looks so pitiful. His O2 was staying in the 70-80 range. Even with him being awake it was in the high 80 low 90s range. Any ways, when he started waking up, he was in a lot of pain, so she gave him some IV Fentanyl. I tried uploading a video on here, of him in the recovery room, just because its super funny, but it wouldn't upload.
Now were in our room. The nurses here were so amazing with him. If he felt scared, then they explained to him what they were doing, they even let him give his own meds in his IV.  H thought it was SUPER AWESOME. The picture above, is of Corbin singing "twinkle twinkle little star" while doing the hand motion. Bless his heart, he was so loopy.

Every time he drank anything, it would come out of his nose. Not really sure why, but it did. :S ...
I ended up sleeping in the bed with him, and his nose was running REALLY bad. We both fell asleep, and sometime during the night, I tried moving, and noticed that his little face was stuck to my arm, because his snot was like glue. I gently peeled him off of me, and at that moment he let out the loudest, longest scream I had ever heard. He kept saying. "MY FACE, MAMA, MY FACE, ITS BURNING"
While Allen let me sleep a little while, he took Corbin down stairs to the butterfly wall and stage, where they were having Child life specialist talk and work with kids about why they are there. Corbin got a stuffed animal, and put band aids on its knee's, and gave it a shot in the leg as well... funny he didn't put a band aid on the ears or throat. His child life specialist gave him a certificate, as well as a "champ" tattoo.

Finally on our way home.  See what I mean about his poor little face. It has to hurt.

Last night Corbin spike a fever of 103.1. So I took him to his pediatrician today because he has only peed 2 times in twenty four hours, quit drinking, as in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, hasn't pooped in 4 days, wont take his meds, and in a lot of pain. So Mangru decided that he was going to admit him for dehydration, but instead sent us to Vanderbilt, because thats where his ENT doctors are and he had his surgery there. When we got there, the decided that they were going to admit him and give him IV fluids. But another doctor came in and said since he ate a popsicle for them and finally peed for the first time in 18 hours, he could go home. So now were home, and hoping that its just a virus he has.

Oh yeah, there was a little girl, the same age as him, had the same surgery done tuesday as well. She was in the ER too, for the same things.

1 comment:

  1. bless your heart...what a week! Praying for sweet Corbin to get well soon...and for sweet Momma to take care of herself so she can take care of Corbin. Love you all!
