Thursday, May 10, 2012


So its been a while since I have posted anything, and alot has been going on might I add. The last time i believe i posted was about corbins T&A and ear tubes surgery. Since then, i have went to vandy numerous times for blood work, even had to go to the ER for fluid retention, and pitting edema, only to get IV Lasix. Corbin had his post op appointment at vanderbilt for his surgery. Every thing is still going well with corbin, hes been having a few episodes of apnea at night again, which we thought would cure it, so now i have to call and schedule a sleep study for him. he also has to go back every 6 months to make sure the tubes are still in place.
On another note, my blood work has not been coming back very well, instead of starting to decrease my prednisone like they have been, they had to stop and start upping the dosage again. so instead of being on 5 mg of steroids im now on 30mg. let me just tell you that prednisone is the WORST drug to be on! and i absolutely HATE it.
So now for whats going on here recently! I  just sent Corbin on his way to nanny and papas a few hours ago, to spend the night, because he has school in the morning, and I have to be on the road in the morning by 6:30 to be at Vanderbilt by 8:45 for and EGD (upper endoscopy) at 9:30. so ill fill ya in later on

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