Friday, July 22, 2011

it would be cheaper to just rent the room!

Guess where I am!?!?...
the hospital AGAIN!!!!
once again im in the MICU. A special little place they take you when your really sick....or in my case, you have meningitis and they dont know if your contagious or not.

my platelets and RBC counts have gone down the past three days to the point that I have had
  •  3 bags of plasma
  •  2 bags of whole blood
  •  3 bags of platelets
i had to have the plasma  in order to have the lumbar puncture (spinal tap) done. We are still trying to rule out the bacterial meningitis due to having to send out the LP fluid for more testing.
Southern tennessee medical center did

  •  CHEST  X-RAY- it came back normal besides the fluid around the brain stem.
  •  CT SCAN- abnormalities showing fluid and swelling on the brain.
  •  BLOODWORK- everything was way  out of wack so i was sent to vandy once again.

now that ive been here for going on three days and counting, ill get ya caught up the best i know just sit back and relax a minute or too.... :)

  1.  MEET ALL THE DRS. AND GET SETTLED IN - we did this fairly quick. I met the liver Drs., infectious disease Drs., MICU Drs.  I had no problems what-so-ever getting settled in.
  2.  CT SCAN -  This scan showed the same thing from the other hospital.
  3.  MRI OF BRAIN - This just basically confirmed the CT SCAN, and gave them a better option of doing the spinal tap.
  4.  TONS AND TONS OF BLOOD WORK - nothing new here except it showed that i needed lots of blood products. 


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