Friday, December 30, 2011

Bi-Weekly Labs


CBC WBC: 1.4* thou/uL (3.9-10.7)
Hemoglobin Blood: 10.7* g/dL (11.8-16.0)
    PCV BLOOD: 33* % (36-43)
    PLATELET COUNT: 41* thou/uL (135-371)
Red Blood Cells: 3.55* mil/uL (4.00-5.50)
    MCV: 94 fL (81-98)
MCH: 30.1 pg (27.0-32.0)
   NUCLEATED RBC#: 0.00 thou/mL


PATIENT (PT): 18.0* sec (11.8-14.5)
    INR: 1.5


Sodium Blood: 144 mEq/L (135-145)   
Potassium Blood: 4.9* mEq/L (3.3-4.8)
    Chloride Blood: 112* mEq/L (95-105)
    Carbon Dioxide Blood: 26 mmol/L (23-30)
    Urea Nitrogen Blood: 7 mg/dL (5-25)
    Creatinine Blood: 0.81 mg/dL (0.70-1.50)
eGFR: > 60 ml/min/1.73m2
eGFRAA: > 60 ml/min/1.73m2
    Glucose Blood: 84 mg/dL (70-110)
    Calcium Blood: 9.0 mg/dL (8.5-10.5)
    AN-GAP: 6

 PROTEIN TOTAL BLOOD: 6.4 g/dL (6.1-8.4)
ALBUMIN BLOOD: 2.8* g/dL (3.5-5.0)
    BILIRUBIN TOTAL BLOOD: 1.9* mg/dL (0.2-1.2)   
    AST: 36 U/L (4-40)
    ALT: 23 U/L (4-40)
I'm a little behind because of the holidays and being away from Internet.  I must say, taking all the gadgets, electronics, facebook, and Internet itself, away for a week or two, and spending genuine time with my family was absolutely UH-MAZE-ING!!
Now getting back to the reality of things, Corbin went back to the doctor on Tuesday, to find out that he has the beginnings of strep throat. Ten days of Amoxocillin, Seven days of Zythromax, and IV antibiotics, didn't kick it in the butt, but it did suppress it enough, until the Dr's. office re-opened so he could get a new antibiotic. I cant remember the name of it, but its a stout one. Its normally used to fight off the infection "MRSA", but a very small dose did the trick and hes ALL BETTER. Thank goodness.
While Corbin was at the Dr., I went to Vanderbilt to have blood work done, they called while I was asleep, but Allen talked to them. Ive had another adjustment to my meds. Ive gone down on my Predisone to 17.5mg and blood work again, January 10.
On another note, we went to Pulaski for Allen's real dads Christmas. Once again I got sick. The last three times we went I have gotten sick, and of course got sick this time too.
I stayed in bed all week long, with a fever, and everything else to go along with that.
My lungs felt like I had ran a 10 mile marathon without stopping. Not short of breathe or anything, a hurt more less like pnuemonia. I still have that chest pain and congestion.
on the way home today, i got so sick. i threw up all the way from Pulaski to Fayettville. i guess my stomach just couldn't handle the car ride and i got really car sick.
stay tuned for the next few posts, ill take you on a "picture tour" of the Morris family Christmas!

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