Wednesday, December 7, 2011

veiw of my labs

                                     COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT                                            

  WBC: 1.4* thou/uL (3.9-10.7) Hemoglobin Blood: 10.8* g/dL (11.8-16.0) PCV BLOOD: 33* % (36-43) PLATELET COUNT: 33* thou/uL (135-371) Red Blood Cells: 3.47* mil/uL (4.00-5.50) MCV: 95 fL (81-98) MCH: 31.1 pg (27.0-32.0) Mean Corpuscle Hemoglobin Concentration: 32.8 g/dL (31.0-35.0) Red Blood Cells Width Distribution: 15.1* % (11.1-14.3)
 NUCLEATED RBC: 0 /100_WBC NUCLEATED RBC#0.00 thou/mL     

 PATIENT (PT): 18.1* sec (11.8-14.5) INR: 1.6

 Sodium Blood: 139 mEq/L (135-145) Potassium Blood: 3.1* mEq/L (3.3-4.8) Chloride Blood: 108* mEq/L (95-105) Carbon Dioxide Blood: 26 mmol/L (23-30) Urea Nitrogen Blood: 6 mg/dL (5-25) Creatinine Blood: 0.61* mg/dL (0.70-1.50) eGFR: > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 eGFRAA: > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 Glucose Blood: 86 mg/dL (70-110) Calcium Blood: 8.1* mg/dL (8.5-10.5) AN-GAP: 5

 PROTEIN TOTAL BLOOD: 5.7* g/dL (6.1-8.4) ALBUMIN BLOOD: 2.6* g/dL (3.5-5.0) BILIRUBIN TOTAL BLOOD: 1.8* mg/dL (0.2-1.2) ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE BLD: 73 U/L (40-110) AST: 31 U/L (4-40) ALT: 26 U/L (4-40)


                                             Bilirubin Conjugated: 0.6* mg/dL (0.0-0.3)
These are my lab results from yesterdays trip to Vandy. In all actuality, there really not as bad as they have been. The numbers in RED are abnormal ranges. The numbers in BLUE are in the normal ranges.
Like I said, I went to Vanderbilt yesterday, and got mostly bad news. Dr. Perri said that my liver is getting worse, and that we know that the liver that's in my body now, is not going to let me live to be an old lady. In other words were getting VERY close to transplantation time. The peritonitis I had a few weeks ago is one of the signs that my livers not going to hold up much longer. Retaining fluid is also a big sign, which I have lots of, that's not going away on its own, or with meds. He informed me that once you get infection in the fluid, your at a 70% risk of it coming back again and more aggressive within a year. So he thinks its a good idea to put me on a daily antibiotic until I have my transplant. He also gave me a very scary statistic. People with my disease that don't get a transplant in time, have only the life expectancy of  3 years. So I need to straighten up and get my butt in gear and get this life changing/saving transplant.
Ive come to realize that I have to help my self before I can help/ be here for my husband and son! 
There's a few things I have to do before I can get a transplant and be put back on the list.
1. Stop smoking.(check) 
2. Pass three nicotine tests. (2 out of 3 check) 
3. Take meds like I'm supposed to. (check)
4. Having blood work done on time/when needed. (check) 
5. Making doctors appointments. (check)
6. Prove to the committee that i'm able to care for a new liver (work in progress)
Dr. Perri says I'm doing great and heading in the right direction, and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. That I need to stay on top of it and keep crossing my T's, and dotting my I's. Its not  him that I have to prove all these things to, its the transplant committee. I'm to the point to where I wish I could talk to the transplant committee my self, and let them see who they are talking about. Besides they are making decisions on  people that they have never even met....

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