Tuesday, August 16, 2011

nut hut

Today I went to Vanderbilt for a check up, and a CT Scan...Oh yeah, and the "norm" too...bloodwork.
We overslept a little this morning, but still made it on time. After my CT Scan was done we had a little time to spare in between, so we stopped for some breakfast. So far my livers working good...YIPPEE!!
I didnt get the PICC line out today, because my antibiotics were not finished, I still have maybe another hour or so, then IM DONE!
BUT..I do get it out tomorrow. He sent me home with the orders for my home health nurse to pull it out. One thing he was concerned about was the weight loss. Im not allowed to lose anymore weight,(besides, its not like im doing it on purpose.) Seems to be all the stress and illness ive had going on. I dont eat when im stressed, so he seems to think thats the way I deal with my stress. He's making me see a psychiatrist about all my problems. He told me if I was to make a list of everything that I've been through, and hand it to someone else and tell them to go through what ive been through, that most people would have already went nuts, and its a wonder im still standing... so im gonna try this list....

1. living with AIH/PBC.
2. my mom passing away.
3. having a preemie.
4. having to be away from my husband for 4 1/2 months.
5. constantly having to send corbin to grandparents because im in the hospital.
6. not getting to see him weeks at a time.
7. physically drained all the time
8. taking care of a 2 year old.
9. mommy and son having to be resuscitated at birth.
10.finding out grandmother has cancer a few weeks after my moms death.
11.being put on the ventilator due to pneumonia.
12.a week stay in the hospital because of meningitis.
13.three days later back in the hospital due to picc line infection and pseudomonas bacteria.
14.two weeks of continuous IV antibiotics and home health.
15.different emotions...mainly sad, because of selling my moms house.
16.days of NO sleep 
17.last but not least, knowing that one day, ill have a life saving organ transplant.

Nothing else comes to mind right now, but im sure theres more! Now you try walking in my shoes. Do you think you could do it?

I thinks its time to see a pychiatrist, before I go insane!

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