Thursday, August 18, 2011

no more PICC line for me!

I had my picc line pulled yesterday, and i must say.... it feels pretty darn good to finally be able to raise my arm completely over my head and straighten it out all the way!
I was so excited to have it taken out, that i called my nurse and kept pestering her until she came to take it out. :)
I also had my home health discontinued yesterday as well. Vanderbilt called me yesterday, to tell me that the CT scan looked good, and the blood work is stable, not to change any meds, and to come back in a month for blood work. If everything is still stable then i can start decreasing the prednisone. Ill have another CT in 6 months. have to go back to clinic in 3 months, I believe i have an endoscopy coming up in the next month or to also.
I called and scheduled an appointment to get counseling today, and to be honest, im not to thrilled about it either.

also, it was a year ago today, that i last saw my mom alive. So I have been in a funk all day. She will be gone a year on the 23rd of this month, and I miss her alot.

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