Friday, June 29, 2012

5 day stay at vandy

on fathers day, my body decided it wanted to get sick. sunday (fathers day) we went out on the boat, and i started running a high fever, literally out of no where, and my stomache started hurting so bad, that i was stuck in the fetal position. the pain got worse through out the night. Allen and i both thought they were just gas pains, and if i was to go to the ER, they would just pump me full of pain meds and send me on my way. i took some tylenol for the fever, and Corbin's pediaLAX for "gas", thinking that would help. i took a hot bath, and laid down with a heating pad. none of these thing seemed to help at all. as a matter of fact, my belly became extended, hard, and painful to the touch. I couldnt even move not even an inch without hurting so bad that i would start to sweat. lol. i ended up being up all night because of it. so the next morning when the sun finally came up, I woke allen up, and told him that this was in fact NOT by any means "gas pains". that something else was going on, and that i needed to go on to the hospital. we got dressed, he dropped me off and him and corbin went to work. i was to call him when i got out, or what ever they planned to do.
of course they pumped me full of pain meds, and did a cat scan. it came back showing that i had ascites, which was also in my colon and large/small intestines, and was also showing infection in the ascites. so off to vanderbilt i go. when i got to vanderbilt, the pain meds were still not working. in fact the only way i could get any relief was for the antibiotics to kick in and start working. 4 days later, i finally started feeling better. i stayed in the MICU/SICU for 5 days before i was able to go home.
oh, and the fluid! was TERRIBLE! let me just tell ya, when i retain fluid it starts in my ankles and works its way up. by time it gets to my stomache, it starts to "settle" and causes pitting edema everywhere. especially on my hips/love handles/stretchmarks lol..... TMI? sorry....  anyways, it gets so bad that where the fluid is, it goes numb. for instance my sides get so much fluid that they are numb. it also gets so bad that i start "leaking" fluid. my stretchmarks burst open and drain the fluid out.....TALKING ABOUT BEING MISERABLE!!!!!!

july 3rd i have to go see the "female" dr. to find out about getting my tubes tied. :) no more babies for this girl! ones enough for me!
july 10th i have to go see dr. perri for a check up since ive been out.

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