Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As much as I would love to tell you how my Dr. appointment with Dr. Perri went, I cant....
I OVERSLEPT!... Can you believe that. I never oversleep...So I had to reschedule my appointment, for Feb. 22 at 9:00.

I guess I was just too tired to wake up this morning. We have had a very busy week with all of our Dr's. appointments. Corbin had an appointment yesterday for a physical to make sure he was healthy enough for surgery in the morning. I had my appointment that I missed this morning. We have to take Corbin to Smyrna in the morning at 7:30 to have dental restoration done. He has to have it done under general anesthesia at the surgery center, because he is too small and doesn't weigh enough to have it done in the dentist office.
So pray for a safe surgery for my little boy in the morning. pray that everything goes well. Ill let you know how he does tomorrow. If I don't OVERSLEEP again! (sarcasm)

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